Sunday, November 10, 2013

Story Time (UB#9)

Story of the day: 

Sometimes a Ugandan guy will want your number.

Like. Really-really-really want your number. 

At first you wont want to give it to him. 

Then you really wont want to give it to him. 

Then he will give a 30 minute speech on how phone numbers represent relationships (because clearly you aren't friends until you are willing to share your number... but as soon as you share your number, then you are brother and sister... and also, sharing your Ugandan number will help you to remain in contact even when you go back to the United States... it all makes sense). 

Then you still will not want to give it to him. 

Then he will tell you that you seem like a very good person. 

Then you will cave and give him your number. 


You will then decide that you should probably run away.

(but before you get a chance to run) He will tell you that not giving him your number is mis-representing white people and next time a white person asks for his number he will not give it. 

Then you laugh. And tell him how sad that is. 

Then your normal Ugandan friend rescues you.

The End.

(yes. this blog should disappoint you considering it comes directly 
after me telling you that I wanted this blog to be quality.)

1 comment:

  1. This IS quality. Quality is about being honest and original. Too much planning kills quality. I HAVE A QUOTE!

    “Even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring twopence how often it has been told before) you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it.”

    You attained quality by not bothering about attaining quality.
    Quote credit to C.S. Lewis.
