Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Simple Origami

It's time for a new post.
It's not like I have anything special to write about, I just feel like I should try.
It's the middle of summer, most of my friends are out of town and I have nothing to do. I'm not gonna lie, it's been kinda enjoyable. I've done a little work and slept plenty, but now it's to the point were I really want a full time job, anywhere, doing anything, just to get out.
I really don't have anything deep to say about that...
So here's a random topic I'm going to write about:
My mind is so blank that I just googled 'random topic,' believe it or not there's actually a pretty cool site called Random Topic Generator that exists to give people like me things to write about on their blogs. It gave me the topic 'simple origami.'
I definitely have no knowledge on this topic.
I clearly remember the time a attempted to create an origami swan in 6th grade, it didn't go so well. In fact it ended up looking more like a drowned ball of paper, but whatever. There is one thing I managed to learn how to make... and since I learned I've probably made thousands, or at least a hundred. I know that because one of my friends and I once sat down and made 100 just for fun. Not 100 beautiful origami swans... nope, we made 100 paper balls, no, not just crumbled paper, it was actually origami, very SIMPLE origami. I just tried to find a picture so I could show you, but I can't find one. Anyway the reason I'm telling you this is because on Monday when I was babysitting I picked up a paper and started to make one and the six year old boy was really amazed. I could probably make them in my sleep, but it still amazed him. I still think it would be cool to be able to make a swan... but since I'm not about to learn I guess I should be content with my paper ball making ability. I'm content, as long as I always have one skill that impresses six year olds.
This completes my random blog on origami.
Nope, I really didn't have anything to say about origami.

That's all I've got, Paisleybokeh <3

Monday, June 14, 2010


This is Austin.
This was the opening of bat season.
There are no bats.

Monday, June 7, 2010