Friday, February 5, 2010

The milkweed assassin bug...

This week I'm going to try to combine writing and photography... that would be easier if I had pictures of people. Let's face it, plants don't really give a person a whole lot to talk about. So I just looked through my pictures and I decided I'm going to use a picture I took today in the backyard. Most of my pictures are taken in the backyard, but right now the backyard looks sorta dead. So here's the picture:

Yep, terrible picture :), but cool bug! I first noticed this bug in the backyard probably six months ago. How many months did it take for me to figure out what type of bug this was? About six months. Isn't that sad? All it took was searching one phrase in google and I found out that this is a milkweed assassin bug. Okay, so that really doesn't matter and it's not going to change my life.

I mean, yeah there are ways it could change my life, but I don't see that happening. So then what does this have to do with anything? It happens to do with the fact that this is not the only thing I put off for no reason. There are way more things that I should research when I think about them, rather than waiting for the time when I need to know the answer and I don't have google or a Bible instantly available to me.

That's all I've got, Paisleybokeh <3

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