John 4:3-6a "When the Lord learned of this, he left Judea and went back once more to Galilee. Now he had to go through Samaria. So he came to a town in Samaria called Sychar, near the plot of ground Jacob had given to his son Joseph. Jacob's well was there, and Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, sat down by the well."
He sat down.
Next thing you know the people from the local town are urging him to stay because they believe.
It was just a rest stop. The disciple would go grab some food from the local McDonald's and Jesus would take a break and rest his feet.
I've experienced this. A long day of travel and we're tired so we stop someplace to grab some food and catch our breath. In our case we heap our backpacks in a pile and then one person stays to watch well everyone else grabs food. It's similar. Kinda.
Two differences:
1. Jesus starts up a conversation with the person he shouldn't even give a second glance.
In contrast, we're so tired we scrupulously avoid eye contact with every single person who might feel the urge to start a conversation.
2. Jesus ends up proving his point to, like, a whole village, giving them living water, and being offered a place to stay for as long as he wants.
We end up with, well, a couple cheeseburgers and maybe some free wifi.
It isn't like Jesus was just wandering around aimlessly, he had a clear destination: Galilee.
For Christ, the stops along the journey were as important as reaching the end of his journey.
A necessary stop for food was an opportunity to live out his calling.
I don't think it should be any different for us. Whether we're at a physical or hypothetical rest stop we can't make the end of the journey more important than the stops along the way.
Okay, so it's way harder said than done*, but I think the first step to changing my actions just might be becoming aware that my actions are not righteous.
(Here is how the rest of it goes!
*pretty sure that isn't how it goes... or what I meant to say. If it was actually harder said than done that would be quite beneficial... I take this as more proof that I should return to an English speaking country asap... or in 17 days? or maybe I should just edit?... nah.
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