I just got back from six weeks of vacation. Yes. It's crazy. Who gets that much vacation in one solid chunk in the middle of the summer? It was pretty great and somehow pretty needed.
I've come back with new goals and new aspirations. I want a different life than the one I've lived so far and it is going to take some effort to change.
First things first, I got an app. It tells me exactly how much time I spend on my phone every day and how many times I unlock my phone. It is disconcerting how many times I pick up my phone everyday... even when I'm on vacation and I don't have service. So I want that to change.
I pretty routinely come home from work, put on pjs and crawl into bed. I have realized that this is not actually normal and definitely not a good and healthy use of time. So I want that to change.
And, I have expectations for other people that I often don't live up to myself. I expect other people to befriend me before I befriend them, if you put yourself out there I will almost definitely reciprocate... but why would I need to put myself out there? Today I went to a new church, enjoyed the service, said hello to one person and left. I definitely could have been more brave. So I want that to change.
I'm on a kick right now, I can see how making these changes will be beneficial and I'm still motivated... but I know that will lag... so I guess here's to praying that these changes becomes habits and the habits influence who I am and eventually I become less lazy, and with all this new spare time I gain more skills and knowledge and awareness, and eventually the very core of who I am changes and that change has me looking more like Christ. I know... that's not going to happen overnight but if there is anything I've learned lately (over the past 5+ years) it is that people can change and that we all have potential for growth.
That's all, five months left in 2017 and I just want to use them well! <3 p="">

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