I am so thankful for the time I have had here to live in a rhythm. Working, sleeping, eating are slowly beginning to meld together into a simple and beautiful pattern. It's nice to wake up without an alarm. It's nice to head out on a run and simply go where my feet lead because I know that wherever I end up will never be so far from home that I can't find my way back. It's nice to be able to count on eight hours of sleep almost every night. It's nice to go to church every Sunday and see people I know and love seeing. It's nice to be able to just go with the flow.
When I'm traveling, or in any new place, that isn't an option. I'm starting to miss the rapids- the times when going with the flow is not an option because there simply is not an apparent flow. Don't get me wrong, I love the ease of going with the flow, but I also know that with familiar territory comes stagnancy. Yes. That's actually a word and yes it fits my situation exactly. I have the feeling that my growth has been stunted. Like an awkward 15 year old boy who grew a foot in a month except then suddenly found himself in a state of malnourishment. I can look back on what I learned while I was in Uganda and Europe and practically wrap it up in a package but find it very hard to point out things I have learned in the past two months.
Growth at home requires an exhausting amount of intentionality. Traveling is exhausting but it forces growth because there isn't another option. It's pretty much either growth and exhaustion or failure. At home growth it is easy to avoid. I don't enjoy the feeling of exhaustion that seems to so often be paired with growth and at home I have the option to avoid that exhaustion.
Basically... having to be intentional is lame.
I don't like it.
But it's good for me.
Therefore I now embark on a wonderful journey of intentionality.
Intentionally learning more about God.
Intentionally becoming a better friend.
Intentionally learning more about how the world works (aka the stuff I hope one day might be related to my career).
Intentional: deliberate, calculated, conscious, intended, planned, willful, studied, purposeful, premeditated, preplanned, preconceived.
Sounds fun. NOT.
Oh the difficulty of wanting to grow.
Growth at home requires an exhausting amount of intentionality. Traveling is exhausting but it forces growth because there isn't another option. It's pretty much either growth and exhaustion or failure. At home growth it is easy to avoid. I don't enjoy the feeling of exhaustion that seems to so often be paired with growth and at home I have the option to avoid that exhaustion.
Basically... having to be intentional is lame.
I don't like it.
But it's good for me.
Therefore I now embark on a wonderful journey of intentionality.
Intentionally learning more about God.
Intentionally becoming a better friend.
Intentionally learning more about how the world works (aka the stuff I hope one day might be related to my career).
Intentional: deliberate, calculated, conscious, intended, planned, willful, studied, purposeful, premeditated, preplanned, preconceived.
Sounds fun. NOT.
Oh the difficulty of wanting to grow.
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