It is such a
blessing to be able to look back on the past couple years of my life and
experience joy in just thinking about the people I’ve met and the things I’ve
experienced. I’ve heard you’re supposed to live in the present… but sometimes
the present just isn’t very exciting. This evening I found myself looking back
over my tweets from the past year and reliving many a wonderful day. I know
that judge myself for feeling the urge to tweet whenever I’m having a good day
but the truth is those 140 characters seem to be worth 1,000 words. I’ve done
the whole 1,000 words thing… but it’s pretty unlikely that I’m going to
casually read through all a 1000 word journal entry without being bogged down.
I think I
started writing this because I wanted to try to capture the joy of reminiscing.
On December 10, 2013 as I was saying goodbye to the many
wonderful friends I met in Uganda I remember telling one of my friends that I
was afraid I would forget everything I had experienced and everything I had
learned. Her simple response was this, “you’ll remember what you need to
remember.” She was right. I don’t think about my semester in Uganda every day.
I don’t think about my summers Johnston Canyon everyday. I don’t think about
any one experience I’ve had every day, but every once in awhile I get to suddenly
indulge in a memory.
A smell, a message, a picture, a texture, or 140 characters
can suddenly pull me back to a specific moment in time, and then, for a short
little while I have the incredible joy of reliving that moment. The rush of
emotions plays a trick on me and I am quietly transported to what seems like
another lifetime.
And then, just as quietly, I am transported back to the
present- but I don’t travel back empty handed for a carry with me the reminder
that I have been shaped by my past joys and sorrows and they are a part of
everyday. I will remember what I need to remember, but even what I do not
remember is a part of who I am.