This year was simultaneously the longest year ever and the shortest year ever. It began with moving back into our home after Harvey and only went up from there. Weddings were celebrated, many friendships were strengthened and my student loans were paid off. I shortened my summer vacation and worked an extra month of the summer. With my remaining vacation I went on multiple backpacking trips in Colorado, living out of my corolla camper and visited my sister and her family. In late September I spent a week in Utah with a friend and over thanksgiving break I visited Big Bend National Park with my mom and finally hiked one of Texas' semi-real mountains. I haven't left the US (not even to visit Canada!) but being grounded here has had it's perks and I'll be starting off 2019 with a trip to Belize so change is in the air.
This year I've learned that I am capable of changing and growing. 5am runs?! I never would have thought that possible a couple years ago. Climbing?! Not something I would have been brave enough to attempt in the past. Actually considering choosing a career and going back to school?! Insane even if it hasn't happened. I've learned the importance of supportive friends who encourage growth without judgement. My love of reading has grown and I've enjoyed quite a few non-fiction books this year. Who knew they were any good?! Health has become a bigger focus in my life... not that I've stopped eating ramen but there's hope for the future.
This year I've settled into my twenties and I think 2019 might be a year to change that up... we'll see what happens!
This year I've learned that I am capable of changing and growing. 5am runs?! I never would have thought that possible a couple years ago. Climbing?! Not something I would have been brave enough to attempt in the past. Actually considering choosing a career and going back to school?! Insane even if it hasn't happened. I've learned the importance of supportive friends who encourage growth without judgement. My love of reading has grown and I've enjoyed quite a few non-fiction books this year. Who knew they were any good?! Health has become a bigger focus in my life... not that I've stopped eating ramen but there's hope for the future.
This year I've settled into my twenties and I think 2019 might be a year to change that up... we'll see what happens!
My goals for 2018 were:
1. Spend every Sunday off Social Media (FB, Instagram and YouTube) and instead do some more writing. I did not manage this, though I spent most of December off of Facebook, Instagram and Youtube and it was truly wonderful.
2. Run enough to improve my pace (a steady 9 minute mile is the specific goal in the interest of being realistic). Currently running about a 9:15 pace so I'm okay with that. Also started running at 5am and it has been a game changer. So good to start the day with something as satisfying as running, especially because I've always believed that people who woke up early to exercise were truly insane. Turns out it might actually be easier to start the day with a mindless run than it is to try to instantly prepare for the day without any warmup.
3. Attempt to make cheese. One batch of mozzarella was made and partially consumed. Definitely need to attempt again with a little more salt.
4. Build two bedside table. Only one bedside table was made but I also have a partially completed shoe rack in the garage that will hopefully be completed in the next 3 days so I'm counting it.
For 2019 I've decided to attempt 19 things.
1. Run a marathon
2. Move
3. Save $
4. Find a new job
5. Sell my car and buy a 4wd vehicle
6. Read the Bible
7. Work on sustainable fashion/buy carefully
8. Return to veg diet when I move out
9. Take a pottery class with a friend
10. Make a plan for sustaining important friendship if/when I move
11. Find a perfect pair of black boots
12. Practice photography - schedule a portrait session
13. Read 24 books
14. Print photos and create a nicer gallery wall
15. Build a bed or dining room table (if/when I move out)
16. 30 day pushup challenge
17. 30 day plank challenge
18. Watch 1 movie/month in Spanish
19. Keep running 3 times per week after marathon