Or do I? That is the question... or is it?
So lately I've been thinking about two things:
1. What in the world do I want to do with my life?
2. What's the big deal with being positive, and does the Bible actually tell us to be positive or is, that just some American mantra made up by someone who thought it sounded cool?
First of all I've decided to come up with my ultimate dream/job/goal for my life and then from there maybe I'll be able to decide what is actually manageable. So I've decided that my ultimate job would be to travel to every single country in the world as a photographer. Then I would write a blog about it. Then that blog would became famous. Then a popular publishing company would ask to make the blog into a book. Then the book would sell a million copies. And then I would be able to travel all over the world again and meet with all the people I met on the first trip. That is my ultimate dream.
However, I realize that at the rate I'm going it's not going to happen... I'm 5/195's or 1/39th of the way to being finished the first part of my dream (I've been to Canada, the US, Honduras, Mexico, and Papua New Guinea. Also, if you were wondering there are approx. 195 countries in the world at the moment). So how do I make that dream something that is even plausible to dream about, or would it being plausible mean it's not a dream? I know, I have way too many questions. Anyway... I guess the best way to make this a reality would be to continue with my photography, become a pilot, or a missionary pilot, or maybe just get rich doing something entirely different... yes, that could include marrying a really rich cool guy who likes traveling. But I promise I'm not thinking about that quite yet.
Of course, if none of that is in God's plan for my life it's not going to happen, but I don't quite know and probably wont ever know what God's plan for my future is so for know I'm gonna let myself dream. This blog is turning into a really long conversation with myself so feel free to quit reading now. Actually, if you've even gotten to this point, congratulations. Moving on, I think this blog is written exactly how I think on a regularly basis so if you're really confused right now, welcome to my life.
Back to my dream, what does it mean to dream? How many of you guys, all three readers :) have ever had a dream come true? I've always felt like my dreams where not mine, I'm pretty good at copying the people around me. So, even if this dream didn't originate from my own thoughts, it might be the first one that isn't a direct copy of something I heard someone say... it's actually changed and become mine. Does anyone else feel that way? Like everything they like they stole from somebody else... nothing is truly original. And know that I've written more than anyone sane person would read of one blog I'm going to move on to the next topic.
Positivity and the Bible. No, I didn't come up with this topic on my own but I've heard about the whole positivity from more than three people or places in the last couple weeks I decided it was time to think about it. No, I can't think about something without blogging because I just found out how fun blogging is.
First off, I'm going to give you my definition of positivity:
To me being positive is not being negative (I know, that's really obvious), being encouraging, having hope, being willing, having an open mind, and most of all being able to accept the things that other people do that aren't necessarily cool/nice without getting super mad. Yes, that is an extremely strange, complicated, and broad definition of it. I just checked dictionary.com's definition of positive and I was surprised that my definition actually matched
Now that I've decided to on a definition I'm going to compare it to the Bible... or at least I'm going to try. Forgive me if I mess up, this is the first time I've every done this.
1. Not Being Negative... I'm just going to skip this part of the defintion...
2. Being Encouraging- I have no doubt that God wants us to be encouraging. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 says, "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." Encouraging each other, especially brothers and sisters in Christ, as "missional" Christians seems like something we should put a lot of time into... and you're wondering, actually you're probably not, but then why did I say 'especially brothers and sisters in Christ' I said that because [this is a run-on and I am now going to switch to a new sentence.]. It's not only we who are being "missional"... whatever that means, it's also the other Christians around us, and they need encouragement just like the rest of us. Maybe someday I'll come back to this but this is just getting too long so I'm going to move on to the next part of the definition.
3. Having Hope- 1 Thessalonians 1:13 "We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.
" Paul was speaking to the Thessalonicans, but we're a lot like them... I think... and endurance is inspired by hope, which means being positive.
4. Being Willing/Having an Open Mind- David said to Solomon, "acknowledge the God of your father, and serve him will a wholehearted devotion and with a
willing mind, for the Lord searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts." -1 Chronicles 28:9 So, being positive=a good attitude=being willing (maybe this had to do with dreams too, being willing to follow God's plan even if it isn't your dream).
5. Being Accepting- Does this mean being forgiving?
Matthew 5:44-45 says, "But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous."
Now that I've said all that my decision is that yes, being positive is REALLY biblical. Sorry It's so long...
That's all I've got, Paisleybokeh ♥